Course: The Court v. Christianity, the Constitution, and the Culture

A Flagship Study From the Blackstonian Leadership and Moot Court Team

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WHAT is this study?

It is a multi-faceted training exercise/module dedicated to developing leadership and persuasive speaking skills within the Judeo-Christian community - the primary goals of the Blackstonian Team.
  • It is a basic-level study involving traditional classwork, the production and examination of the “Blackstone Collection” (articles, case briefs, etc. relevant to the in-class work), participation in moot court argumentation, and (as appropriate) workshop/conference/etc. involvement.
  • The ultimate mission of these endeavors is to demonstrate the superiority of the Judeo-Christian (“Blackstonian”) worldview as opposed to the Humanistic worldview. This is accomplished by examining the complex interaction of judicial decisions, Christianity, the Constitution, and the culture. The module reflects the liberal arts, Trivium model; our approach is Biblically-based, culture-confronting, worldview-structured, and multi-disciplinary.

You will analyze and debate critical Culture War issues, including:

  • The Constitution, the Declaration, and the Bible;
  • The role of the courts in the Culture War; the “Judiocracy”;
  • How to battle critical, dangerous court decisions in the Culture War: abortion, evolutionism v. creationism, religious liberties, New Sexualism, etc.

WHY should you participate?

You can:

  • gain knowledge in government, history, communications, logic, philosophy, etc.;
  • advance your skills in leadership, critical thinking, oral persuasion, professional vocabulary, and citizenship;
  • access our unique resources – live interaction with professors and other leaders from the three different but interrelated partner groups hosting you.

WHEN AND WHERE is the class offered?

Live, online, each Tuesday evening, 7:00-8:30 CT as follows: Feb 21 & 28; March 7, 21, & 28; April 4, 11, 18, 2023.

WHO can participate?

Older high schoolers through adults. No prior experience or knowledge needed. Fees: up to three/immediate family = $75

Your Teacher & Coach

Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D., Pres., Blackstone Institute; Affiliate Professor of Constitutional Apologetics, Houston Baptist U.; Nat’l. Director, Eagle Forum’s Law & Worldview Program → →

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